Boosting Your 'Mental Immunity' in Challenging Times

By now, we all know the actions we can take to prevent getting or transmitting COVID-19.   

There is also a lot we can do to keep our immune system strong.  

What we often overlook is our mental resilience and mental 'immunity' – how we stay mentally and emotionally healthy in the face of stress and challenging times.  The rapidly shifting landscape related to the COVID-19 pandemic is definitely adding stress and anxiety to all of our lives. 

I thought I would start a series of short, positive actions you can take or tools you can try to keep your mind strong and your heart open through the coming days. Here are my first two:

Go on a News 'Diet' 

No seriously!  Our brains tend to desperately seek certainty and control in times of uncertainty – you can feel it in your compulsive checking to see if anything new has been announced. But you won’t find certainty or security by constantly checking for updates. Instead, you will experience headline fatigue and it will keep your mind in a constant state of alertness, stress and anxiety.  

Once you are current on the major news and updates for the day, what you really need is a break from the news (and constantly talking about this topic) to spend more time ‘consuming’ other ideas and activities that strengthen your mental wellbeing. 

Intentionally Consume the Positive  

This requires an act of will and you will have to reach out past the noise in front of you. It can be from your favourite inspirational author, blogger, poet, philosopher, a passage from your faith practice, or even a clip by your favourite comedian.  If you find yourself with extra time on your hands, you can try an uplifting movie, book or podcast.

It is about shifting from a perspective of worry and concern to a perspective that reminds you that as humans, together we have faced countless challenges before, that there is wisdom to lean into for difficult times, that we are far more resilient than we realize and that there is always hope.

I hope these ideas help you. Please share what you are doing, reading, watching or listening to as you stay strong in difficult times, as it might just inspire someone else.  I'll send another missive out tomorrow with another tip. Together we will get through this. 

I coach amazing people like you to delete the overwhelm, discern what matters most and drive your future.  Schedule a FREE consultation with me HERE if you want to explore what life would be like for you with a more resilient brain and more masterful habits.